Let's take a peek back in time!

The place has a great history and is very quirky...if you've never heard of it, you should really check it out. You won't be disappointed!
I like to do laundry once a week. Some people do laundry every day (little bits here and there) and that is crazy to me. Perhaps this is because I just have my own to do, but I still don't see the every day logic. Random, but I heard someone mention at church last week that they do one load a day......
So here's my question to you: do you wash a little along the way or once a week? Am I crazy?
It was certainly NOT ME who thought she would be eternally bored without the last 3 weeks of grad school...but has ended up loving it. Sleeping til 9, cleaning my room, organizing....it only gets better!
In other news- look for my blog makeover THIS WEEK! I am super excited. Also, if you live near a McAlister's Deli, they are offering FREE SWEET TEA on Thursday (7/23)! No purchase necessary, either!
The last few days have been pretty quiet around my world. Wednesday night is our church's 'night' game (cheap admission and .25 hot dogs!) at the Birmingham Barons game (vs. the Montgomery Biscuits. I am not the biggest baseball fan, but I think it will be fun. I might even take pictures :) Please continue to pray for my sweet Keith and his job situation. We are amazed everyday at the way that God continues to take the reigns and we are just waiting on the next move.
After spending about 2 hours with my advisor, in the records office, and chatting with financial aid, I finally am in the correct graduate program at UM. Apparently, when I mentioned I ALREADY HAD a teaching certificate (albeit in a different content area), my advisor heard silence. Anyway- we caught her (their?) error and I got to drop the class I started yesterday....and will join the traditional (not 5th year) graduate program for the next cohort, in January 2010. Wooo! This is a good thing, because I can just take the praxis II to have immediate certification in English, then join the trad. grad program which will only take a year and NO internship. YAY!
The month of July has been a complete WHIRLWIND! I am very sad it is half over.
I start my new summer semester on Tuesday (grades should be posted tomorrow!) so I'm excited about that for sure. Keith is going through another job transition, so be in prayer for him as he seeks where God has for him to be- permanently. Exciting things are down the road for him and us, so I'm just blessed to be along for the ride.
Saturday, Keith and I had a yard sale with his roommate, Jay and his girl friend Laura Beth-- I should have taken pictures. It was GI-NORMUS. So much crap to sell...but let me tell you, the latinos, they love 3 things.
1. Women's clothing from 2003-2008. And tank tops.
2. Men's shirts marked 2 for a dollar. Also, bartering $1 items down to $.50
3. Coming to your yardsale either earlier or later than posted times.
It was good fun- we had our first customer at 5:50 a.m. and our last at 2 p.m. Jay and LB had about 3x as much stuff as Keith and I (LB made a trip to her parents house last week and her parents were hoarders!), but we all made out very well. About $600 was made between the 4 of us! The strangest item we sold (that we thought no one would buy) had to be the computer CPU which keith had taken the hard drive out of....and I also sold a sips and strokes original for $2! Someone also bought a used candle of mine for $1....??I think Keith and I will be doing this again, perhaps when it gets a little cooler in the fall.
Keith and I spent the 4th at Ft. Rucker's Freedom Fest. They put on a wonderful fireworks display and historical show. Keith even got to tour the inside of some cool helicopters, and we enjoyed spending time with my family later that weekend, too!
I am now officially back in the blogging swing....so WATCH OUT! :)
Perhaps I neglected to fill you in on something...
I'm taking a blog hiatus for a few more days (i know, i know) :)
Finals week for me!