Today I did something big.
I registered for Graduate School.
One thing I loved about undergrad at Auburn is that it was so big. Alternatively, another thing I grew to dislike about Auburn was its size. Sure, it was wonderful not to have to bump into people you unless you wanted to, but it wasn't nice to be thrown to the wolves if you needed information, an advisor time or a computer in the Haley LRC lab. It was nice to be on a tiger transit and not know a soul, sometimes, but not nice to have to wait in line for student ticket entrance to home games. Don't get me wrong, I love Auburn and I am glad that's where I went for undergrad. Lessons learned there that i'll never forget and have helped make me who I am. And then there's Niffers.

That being said, today I was totally taken aback at the helpfulness at Montevallo. When I recieved my acceptance letter, I learned that a woman named Dr. Glee would be my advisor. Glee, I thought? Glee? Anyway, I envisioned a late 50's ish professor in a stuffy office who would not even be prepared for me to come. At Auburn, it was not mandatory that you even meet with your advisor before registration, let alone your advisor even care if you were passing or failing. To my surprise, Dr. Glee was no older than 35, ready with my information in hand and willing to help. Not only did she help, but instead of me pouring over the bulletin myself, she clicked away on her desk computer, finding me options and letting me choose. After the class thing was said and done, she personally walked me down to the computer lab where she knew the Dean of the Graduate school was, and introduced me to him. For the record, he was super nice as well. Even the aides in the computer lab were helpful-- not just sitting there glancing at the clock, but actually being of assistance to the 20 or so 18 year olds registering for Fall semester (It was some sort of HS visiting day, today).
After I got back from registration (and a trip to the financial aid office, WHERE PEOPLE WHERE NOTHING BUT HELPFUL and HAPPY...ARE YOU SEEING A TREND?) I went to visit Keith. For the longest time, I just sat there, looking at my binder with my schedule for Summer and Fall printed out, in disbelief that I'm actually jumping back in. Keith probably thought I was from Mars, if he didn't already. I had to just kind of soak it all in. I was so glad to be done with school when I graduated 3 years ago, but I can honestly say that I have been itching to head back since about a year ago. It doesn't seem real yet. If I needed any proof that it was real, though, UM has already updated my accounts page with the amount due for summer classes. Ah, the first similarity between UM and AU....$$! I only have to take a couple of undergrad pre-req's and will start grad level work simultaneously. Up on deck: Intro to Mass Communications and Oral Communications (Dang it Auburn, for not requiring a speech class!), Grad level Literature for Adolescents, and 20th Century British Short Stories. And I wish I could buy the books already!
Sad note: I had to postpone the mission trip I was planning to take this summer so I could take these classes. I am sad about that, but in order to get this thing taken care of in less than 2 years, it was the only way. Maybe fall break? Good news is - i thought the plane tickets had been ordered, but they hadn't, so no one loses any money. Just disappointed. :(
So yes, starting June 9th i'll be a for real student....- MWTRF from 1-3 pm, TWR from 6-9 pm (I always thought the R for Thursday was so weird. AU similarity #2.) December 2010 will be graduation...I can't believe it.
Something tells me this is gonna be good :)
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