Friday, October 10, 2008

Days gone by

I am really lucky to have 2 wonderful, generous, loving grandmothers. I got to live in the same town as one of them (mimi) growing up, and only about an hour away from my mothers's mom, Grammy. Here's a little photo essay and birthday wish! What a tech savvy grandmother she is, as well, as she's been "on-line" for years now. If only she'd blog....

Grammy and I the day of my college graduation, Aug. 7, 2006
My sweet, dear Grammy and her two little ones. My mom is on the left and my Aunt Lori is the cutie in the black patent shoes! Grammy is one of the sweetest, funniest and most thoughtful people i've ever known...and she gets to be my Grandmother, too! I, for one, am really glad she's been around 79 years this week :)

My Grampy, Grammy, and a pre-meeting-my-dad Mom!
Lorilyn, Me, Grammy and Mimi at my Jr. Voice Recital in Auburn. 2004

My sweet Grampy (and me--1984), my Grammy's other half and husband. 7 years of dating led to one of the most wonderful pairings of people God ever concieved!

Some Grammy memories:
-playing beautyshop with her in the kitchen sink of her old house in Andalusia
-going with her to get her hair done at Miss Connie's
-visiting her at work at the Courthouse. she was a hard workin' Grammy for a very long time!
-many many trips to "Penney's" and a shoes shop that just might have been housed in an old bowling alley??
-Many day-after-thanksgiving's spent in Andy
-her playing with my hair when I was younger
-talking and laughing whenever she's around
-the generous family thanksgiving beach trips and the sweet prayers she gives
Happy Birthday!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a kind, sensitive, and talented young woman! My, My, My!