Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This song takes me back! I miss fun songs like this...and also when Mariah Carey was less ghetto!

Seriously though, 1993 (when this song was released) was before any of my junior high students were even born. When I look at the class roster, I see lots of 1995 and 1996 birthdates. If they only knew the simplicity and calm that is....Old School Mariah Carey! I played a Fugees song for music appreciation today and no one had ever even heard of Lauryn Hill. Sigggghhhh....Killing Me Softly just wasn't the same with blank stares.

Anyway- enjoy. What were YOU doing in 1993? I was in the 5th/6th grade, had a bad body wave (poor man's perm), and enjoyed wearing all things sunflower and flannel. Don't judge. It was a simpler time.

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