Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The last few days have been kinda funny. Ups, Downs....just life I guess. Sorry I neglected you, O blog. I'll try to remedy that now...

--Keith and I have been plugging along. He's been on 3 interviews in 2 weeks, with another tomorrow. The Lord is working, it's just hard when its not OUR time. He is handling it so well, I don't know what i'd do if he were completely insane like me.

--Work is great this week, as my junior high kids have SAT I haven't seen them....yeah. I have a parent conference tomorrow that I'm a bit confused about, since the parents in question have an absolutely perfect student (well behaved, talented)- but I guess we'll see.

--Stimulus Tuesdays at Carmike theatres are great. Especially when you go to a carmike that's a dollar theatre to begin with! 2 movies, 2 drinks, 1 popcorn=$5. PEOPLE! go to the movies on Tuesdays!

--I officially fell off of the weight loss train about 3 weeks ago. Am boarding again this monday at 5:45 (my next WW meeting). Pray for me! I was doing so well- I need to find that inner drive again.

--The big spring concert for my students is next week. I'm rather non-chalant about it at this point, minus finishing the choreography for like 20 bars of "sister act medley". I think it will be fine. :) I'm really excited about the "Cleffie" awards...which are silly little trophies I give out to my HS kids the day after my concert (a la dundies from "the office). I gotta get on those categories...

Anyway- here comes 3rd period. Ciao.

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